A Beginner's Guide to E-commerce Sales. SELL WITH GOOGLE MERCHANT CENTER.

1st February 2023


-With minimal cost, it is possible to capture the knowledge related to online sales, from which to make a decision to follow professional sales or not.

-If you are persistent enough, you will create a stable and sustainable income after practicing this article for 6 months - 2 years.


  • Students who have background knowledge of IT, marketing, MMO...

  • People with available products, production facilities

  • As long as you have passion - it's ok to catch enemies with your hands


  • Have a credit card VISA or MASTER card, used for buying domain names, setting up advertising accounts with google, facebook... Budget < 500 thousand VND

  • Know how to edit photos with photoshop in a simple way, create transparent images… < 2 hours to learn. Or you can use an online logo maker, or hire a logo designer for around 500k/1 logo

  • Register for a paypal, stripe sales account to receive payments ... (optional, but if you are a professional, you should know)


  • Set up your own sales website https://ten_mien_cua_ban.com to sell your products there

  • Use your sales website to register a sales account with google merchant center

  • Use your sales website to register for a google ads account

  • Starting to have orders from the 6th month, after 2 years of maintenance, it has stabilized and grown.


  1. Open a seller account

Open a seller account at: https://totday.com/seller
User manuals are available at: https://totday.com/page/how-to-sell  

  1. Identity, legal person, legal representative
    You can be an individual or a business, but you need to clearly show your contact address, store name. Imagine a customer enters your sales website and they decide to buy or not if the address is not clear, there is no contact information ....

  2. Pages: Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Shipping & Delivery, Refund & Return Policy, About Us, Payment Methods, Contact Us
    These pages are required, we have created templates but you need to edit them to suit your content, or need to refer to other professional sales websites. Note: You should not keep the same as the original model.

  1. Buy a domain name for your sales website

    1. If you only sell domestic goods in the country, you can choose .vn, .com.vn domain names, otherwise the best way is to choose .com domain names

    2. The domain name should be short, as short as possible, easy to read, easy to remember, easy to pronounce.

    3. Domain name is your most valuable thing, if you don't like it later, you may not use the totday.com platform anymore and won't be affected much because customers only remember you through the domain name. The longer your website exists and is reputable, the greater the value of your brand.

    4. With domain .vn you can contact matbao.net or fastoa.com or fpt, with international domain .com you can buy at namecheap.com or name.com. I suggest you buy at name.com The price is a bit high but the management is easy.

    5. Point domain to totday.com
      After you have purchased the domain name, go to the domain admin section to point your domain name according to the instructions at: https://totday.com/seller/store-domain-add .After successful pointing you can type in your browser with the domain name you purchased and it will be linked to the seller account you created in step 1

  1. Post products

You need to choose for yourself a category and only sell that product on your web, you don't just post cooking oil, confectionery products sold with speakers, Tv ... You need to specialize in a category for a name domain.
You can post your products for sale at https://totday.com/seller/store-product-add  

  1. Products available in your warehouse
    Take 6 beautiful photos of each product, write a good description, fill in the price, set up a shipping company or let the mode charge according to the number of products sold. Then post your product

  2. POD products
    POD stands for the phrase Print on demand in English, in the Vietnamese sense, it is a print-on-demand service. This is an e-commerce model that allows you to sell products you design yourself and these designs will be ordered to print on products such as shirts, mugs, hats, masks, phone cases phone… With the POD business model, you won't have to spend any money sourcing, storing or selling products. All of that work will be handled by a 3rd party (manufacturer) and the seller does not have to bear the cost of keeping the goods because they are not charged cost until someone places an order. You just need to focus on designing unique designs and marketing your products to as many people as possible. Some PODs for your business reference: https://printify.com, https://printub.com, https://teechip.com … You can sell directly on the POD platform, however the purpose is that you need to build your own brand for your domain name - only then can you create a sustainable income so please post POD products also to your seller totday.com account, note Note that the ex-link points to your POD product link

  3. Dropshipping products
    Selling this way is when you post your suppliers' items on your sales website. When a customer orders a product, you will use your money to buy from the supplier and ask the supplier to ship it to your customer's address. Your profit is the spread you set up when you posted the product minus the platform and operating costs. I suggest you increase the price from 1.5 times to 3 times the price offered by the supplier, you also need to edit the product description so that it is even more unique than the original product… You can most likely dropship from any e-commerce site, but pay attention to international or domestic shipping?, I suggest you some of the best sites for dropship are: aliexpress.com doba.com…Practice and Earn money with aliexpress first, then find your own suppliers on other websites.

    1. Dropship item on aliexpress and note:
      Aliexpress is the alibaba company's sales website with almost all the items you can find here, they support global shipping. You need to open your account and have your credit card ready so that when you have an order you can place your order quickly. Most of their sellers are reputable, but the quality of products from China is not good, you need to take care of your customers skillfully, in case there is a problem with your order, such as when you place an order and the goods are damaged. cannot be shipped or the product is damaged… then you can open a dispute and get your money back

    2. Steps to dropship with aliexpress

      1. You choose the product on aliexpress and post it on your website, notice that ex_link is a link that points to the link on aliexpress

      2. When a customer places an order, you will see and click on ex_link to go to the product and place an order on aliexpress, fill in the box ex_order_link is the address of your aliexpress order

      3. You wait 1-7 days and go to the order list on totday.com click on EX_ to go to the order, if your order has been shipped on aliexpress, please get the shipping information including the shipping code: XXXXXXXXXXXX and shipping carriers, you can use globalcainiao.com if you don't see famous carriers like DHL, FEDEX, UPS… to update order status on totday.com, this helps your customers receive email notification that the order has been shipped

  1. SEO WEB, Open social network accounts

  • You need to open an account https://analytics.google.com/ to track the number of visitors to your website

  • You also need to submit your sitemap at https://site_your_your.com/sitemap.xml to google webmaster tool page https://search.google.com , bing webmaster tool, yandex…

  • Share your product link to as many websites and social networks as possible

  • It's hard to see a professional sales page without social media accounts. You need to create social media pages for your business brand and show it's linked to your website. You need to create page accounts for networks: facebook, twitter, youtube, titok… and link to totday.com at https://totday.com/seller/store-site-setting-list with SOCIAL_ entries

  • Please post your product link on these social networks

  • If your social media page is not interactive, make it have as many likes as possible, it shows the credibility of your sales page... You can even spend money to buy the pages and change the name. - search on the buying and selling groups page

  1. Maintain continuity

  • You need to refine the terms page - pay attention to refer to famous world-class sales websites, products, post more products daily, share products, update social networks

  • If you feel you still have plenty of time, you can buy a second domain name and sell another category.

  • When your website has existed long enough at a minimum of 1-3 months, the search bots already know about your website's existence. Then you can move on to the next step

  1. Register with google merchant center

You go to your website and put yourself as a buyer, you ask yourself if you are ready to confidently buy on that website by asking? Is the product description clear?, sales policy and terms? Is this website a scam? They even search on google for website information, phone number, go to your social networking page and then make a purchase decision. To show you that you have to work very hard to get to this step.
When you are confident to purchase, you can proceed to register an account https://merchants.google.com

After creating an account, you need to create a feed containing products by creating a feed that automatically updates to https://www.website_cua_you.com/tool/gm Check out the feed section in the https documentation. ://totday.com/page/how-to-sell
In this step, google staff and google smart bots will analyze your web to see if it allows you to authenticate with google merchant center.

If unsuccessful:

  • Then you need to see the message and correct it and try again - REQUEST REVIEW

  • Common mistakes are: You sell restricted products: Tobacco, alcohol…,Pages: terms, refund…. Need to re-edit

  • Your website or business brand is not reputable enough: improve by creating more social networking sites with lots of interaction, editing products….

  1. Run ads

Set up a google ad account at https://ads.google.com/  

  1. If you think your product can be fully promoted with keywords, then you may not need to go to the GMC creation step. However, at this time and in the future I do not think SEO for e-commerce products is as effective as providing feed through google merchant center.

  2. I appreciate the way to sell through google shopping merchant center, this is the most cost-effective way for customers. After creating a merchant account above, you can link that account with your google ads ad account. For details on how to create an ad campaign, please refer to google ads - Let you think that google ads needs to be easy to use for them to make money from you, so it's not as difficult to use as you think.

  1. contact help

For any support request please contact: